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Workshop 1a and 1b”Quality Assurance
and Multiple Providers for Teachers In-Service Training and Continuing
Professional Development” The purpose of this workshop, as
part of the Conference, is to examine the current situation and options for
reform on a) opening the teachers In-Service Training (INSET) and Continuing Professional
Development (CDP) to multiple
providers and b) introducing quality assurance mechanisms,
including accreditation systems, for INSET and CDP providers and
programs, in order to improve quality and guarantee sustainability of
Education systems. During the workshop, expert presentations by
representatives from EU, South-East European countries and US, and small
workgroups will provide high level assessment and debate. The workgroups will
focus on: a) How to provide national and local stakeholders with options and
good practices for introduction of multiple accredited INSET and CPD
providers? b) What are the best options for flexible, cost-effective,
sustainable, and independent systems of quality assurance for INSET and CDP
of teachers? c) How to guarantee continuous awareness of equity issues and,
for South-East European countries, of EU harmonisation requirements for
quality assurance? WORKSHOP 2
assurance mechanisms – Case studies
studies in “Good Practice” enable the exploration of various levels of
experience gained in different countries as well as the implications for the
professional development of teachers. During
the workshop, examples for Austria, Greece, and SE countries will be
presented. The workgroups will look at the elements of these examples that
could, under certain conditions be applied in other counties. The titles of
the projects are: ·
“Working towards sustainable development at schools.
Austrian experience with e-Learning – Clusters and the Quality in Schools
(Q.I.S.) Initiative” , J. Horschinegg, Austria ·
“Science Laboratory Centres in Greece. Outsourcing
in-service teachers’ training and support to school Science Laboratories”,
Th. Pitsouli,
J.Christakopoulos, Ch. Chamalidis ·
“Quality Assurance Mechanisms: the case of Greece”,
A. Katsis, N. Kotsira, G. Koukopoulou ·
“Private Sector Development in Education in SE
Europe – Case Studies of Good Practices”, F. Tsakona WORKSHOP 3
Teachers’ Training & Continuous
Professional Development I
following presentations are scheduled: ·
Programs: Adriving force in the Reformation of the Curriculum Mobility
Programs”, M. Kourou, H.Ioannidou
and internal transfer of positions of educators in the Greek Educational
System”, A. Andreou
Together, achieving Together: the collaborative process of CPD”, Tim Brosnan ·
new approach to staff development and quality improvement in the Hungarian
public education sector”, Katalin Molnar - Stadler WORKSHOP 4 Quality Assurance : Good Practices of School
Support Actions Within this workshop the speakers will refer to educational
programmes implemented in France, Finland and Greece. All the above mentioned
case studies, have to do with educational innovations introduced under
difficult circumstances. The presentations aim to
bring forward the positive results of the experience gained as well as the
positive results and the difficulties met throughout their application WORKSHOP 5
Teachers’ Training & Continuous
Professional Development II
The following
presentations are scheduled: ·
the Education of Teachers and Trainers: the work of the European Commission”,
Development of School Teachers’ in SE Europe in the frame work of TEMPUS
programme”, Athanasopoulos Panagiotis
“Evaluation- Accountability of teachers: Results of a
research in Cyprus regarding views of teachers and parents”, Christos
Cross-Thematic Approach to Teaching and Learning of ICT and Foreign Languages:
Implications for the Professional Development for Teachers The recent reform in the
Greek primary and Secondary Education has introduced the Cross Thematic
Approach (CTA) to teaching and learning as a step towards the integration of
school knowledge and real life. According to the CTA
subjects are elaborated from a holistic point of view and not as separate
units. The aim is to achieve a horizontal link through the subject matter of
the taught areas belonging to the same cognitive group, so that each subject
is analyzed and elaborated in ways, which highlight its multi dimensional
issues. The workshop, focusing on
the CTA, investigates its relation with ICT and foreign languages. The
implicit aim is to provide the opportunity for the exchange of good practice
and to highlight the need for a new broader perspective to teacher education
and training, so that the needs emerging from the changing roles of the
educator in the evolving school environment will be met. ‘The contribution of
teachers and trainers to the quality of training in the European Union and
the SA countries . The objective of the workshop is to analyse the
specific contribution of VET teachers and trainers to the quality of training
and to formulate recommendations on the basis of that analysis. The workshop will focus
mainly on approaches and practices developed within EU countries with a view
to identifying key transversal aspects which could be applied in other
contexts and systems. The workshop will be
structured around three main presentations on the following issues: (a)
The place of teachers and
trainers in quality approaches in the EU: initial assessment of a TTnet study
in the EU Member States; (b)
Quality in professional
development practices for VET teachers: findings of a TTnet network working
party on innovative practices in the EU; (c)
Quality management of VET
systems and the role of teachers and trainers. Workshop 8 "Improving
Teacher Preparation and Professional Development: Country Experiences from an
International Teacher Policy Review" "This
seminar will discuss recent initiatives in France, Ireland and Sweden to
reform initial teacher education and teachers' professional development. The
countries are participating in the major OECD project. Attracting, Developing
and Retaining Effective Teachers. Initiatives to be discussed include
integrating different forms of teacher education into a common model,
providing more effective support to beginning teachers, and linking teachers'
professional development more closely to school needs. The discussions will
be conducted by leading policy makers and researchers from the countries
concerned." |
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