The Education Research Centre of Greece is an independent institution which functions under the supervision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and is funded by the Ministry.
Its seven-member Board consists of distinguished scholars who are nominated to a 3-year term by the Minister of Education. Its Chairman has to have the approval of the Permanent Committee on Educational Affairs of Parliament.
The ERC has been located in Athens since its establishment in 1995. It designs, implements and supervises research projects assigned to it by the Ministry of Education or drawn at its own initiate following consideration of current social and educational issues. At the same time the Centre collaborates with national and international institutions on such matters as educational research and evaluation, participates in projects either conducted by international organizations such as the OECD, UNESCO etc., or financed by the E.U (e.g. "Socrates").
Meetings, seminars and conferences are organized particularly within the educational community in order to make public the findings of its research. The main objective of its research programme is to contribute to the improvement of the educational infrastructure at national level and facilitate the effective revision of educational policy at this level.
At the same time it publishes a selection of its findings, fosters the dissemination of educational research in general and is involved in the development and production of supportive teaching material.
The main focus of the Centre’s activities is on issues related to all levels of education and more specifically on its planning, implementation and evaluation. It also develops and maintains databases available to all interested parties.
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