Symposium Friday 3 October 2003
Organizers: Department of Education, University of Lund, Sweden, Education Research Center of Greece (ERC).
Themes: "Education and educational research in Greece and Sweden" "Trends in higher education in Europe: Policy and practice" "Education and multiculturalism"
Opening 9.30- 9.45 Dr Alexis Dimaras, President of the Education Research Center of Greece (ERC) Dr Tina Kindeberg, Head of the Department of Education, University of Lund, Sweden Prof. Lennart Svensson, University of Lund, Sweden
Session A: Education and Educational Research in Greece and Sweden
9.45 - 10.40
Prof. Lennart Svensson, University of Lund, Sweden: "Education as a research discipline in Sweden" Prof. Vasilis Koulaidis, Education Research Center of Greece: "The research program of the ERC" Dr Alkistis Verevi, Dr Fani Stylianidou (ERC): "Research Activities of the ERC" Kyriaki Doumas, Doctoral researcher: "Greek schools: Issues of quality in teaching"
10.40 - 11.00 Discussion
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
Session B: "Trends in higher education in Europe: Policy and practice"
11.15 - 12.30
Prof. Georgia Kontogiannopoulou - Polydorides, University of Athens: "Internationalization of Greek Higher Education" Prof. Shirley Booth, University of Lund: "The shift in focus from instruction to knowledge building: Implications for university teachers and their professional development" Assist. Prof. Elsie Anderberg, University of Lund: "How relationships between word, meanings and conceptions are varied, changed and contextualized when used in relation to understanding objects and phenomena dealt with in learning settings". Lecturer Åsa Lindberg-Sand, University of Lund: "Assessments as practiced views of knowledge in Swedish HE: From controlling explicit performance to assessing implicit competence?" Lecturer Evaggelia Karagiannopoulou, University of Ioannina: "Revising for exams. Approaches to studying employed by University students. Some preliminary findings" Discussion 12.30 - 12.45 Break
Session C: "Education and multiculturalism"
12.45 - 14.00 Prof. Lennart Svensson: "An educational perspective on trans-cultural flows and cultural changes" Lecturer Eva Ericsson, University of Lund: "Immigrant children and youth in the school system of Sweden" Mrs Vivi Delikari, (ERC): "Greek Discourse about Intercultural Education as part of Human Rights Discourse" Associate Prof. Bosse Bergstedt, doctoral student Hans Lorenz, University of Lund: Presentation of the research group "Multicultural Education". Assist. Prof. Mina O´Dowd, University of Lund: A comparative study on social competence: An overview of the results and discussion of their implications. Assist. Prof. Lars Carlsson, University of Lund: Trans-cultural Knowledge Processes in European RTD Cooperation Contexts. Discussion 14.00 Lunch